Digital Newsletters And Educational Projects

Del Puerto, C.; Concepción Anguita, M.; Domènech, A.; Zelman, N. R.; Ventura, L.
Referencia bibliográfica

EAS Publications Series, Volume 16, 2005, pp.167-171

Fecha de publicación:
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Número de autores del IAC
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The popularization of science, as a part of Culture, has and continues to be a constant concern for the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), reflected in important actions, such as public outreach campaigns at educational institutions, open days at the Observatories, courses and conferences, exhibits, cooperation with publishing companies and awards, educational programmes, printed (IAC Noticias) and online newsletters, online scientific outreach, radio programmes (“Canarias Innova”) and attention to the media, besides the public outreach and communication of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and several special activities related to astronomical phenomena like eclipses, transits, comets or meteor showers. This poster introduces the digital newsletters GTC Digital and Caosyciencia, as well as the educational projects Educating in the Cosmos (Cosmoeduca) and Odyssey in Space-Time.