Archontis, V.; Moreno-Insertis, F.; Galsgaard, K.; Hood, A.; O'Shea, E.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.426, p.1047-1063 (2004)
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Numerical experiments of the emergence of magnetic flux from the
uppermost layers of the solar interior to the photosphere and its
further eruption into the low atmosphere and corona are carried out. We
use idealized models for the initial stratification and magnetic field
distribution below the photosphere similar to those used for
multidimensional flux emergence experiments in the literature. The
energy equation is adiabatic except for the inclusion of ohmic and
viscous dissipation terms, which, however, become important only at
interfaces and reconnection sites. Three-dimensional experiments for the
eruption of magnetic flux both into an unmagnetized corona and into a
corona with a preexisting ambient horizontal field are presented. The
shocks preceding the rising plasma present the classical structure of
nonlinear Lamb waves. The expansion of the matter when rising into the
atmosphere takes place preferentially in the horizontal directions: a
flattened (or oval) low plasma-β ball ensues, in which the field
lines describe loops in the corona with increasing inclination away from
the vertical as one goes toward the sides of the structure. Magnetograms
and velocity field distributions on horizontal planes are presented
simultaneously for the solar interior and various levels in the
atmosphere. Since the background pressure and density drop over many
orders of magnitude with increasing height, the adiabatic expansion of
the rising plasma yields very low temperatures. To avoid this, the
entropy of the rising fluid elements should be increased to the high
values of the original atmosphere via heating mechanisms not included in
the present numerical experiments. The eruption of magnetic flux into a
corona with a preexisting magnetic field pointing in the horizontal
direction yields a clear case of essentially three-dimensional
reconnection when the upcoming and ambient field systems come into
contact. The coronal ambient field is chosen at time t=0 perpendicular
to the direction of the tube axis and thus, given the twist of the
magnetic tube, almost anti-parallel to the field lines at the upper
boundary of the rising plasma ball. A thin, dome-shaped current layer is
formed at the interface between the two flux systems, in which ohmic
dissipation and heating are taking place. The reconnection proceeds by
merging successive layers on both sides of the reconnection site;
however, this occurs not only at the cusp of the interface, but, also,
gradually along its sides in the direction transverse to the ambient
magnetic field. The topology of the magnetic field in the atmosphere is
thereby modified: the reconnected field lines typically are part of the
flanks of the tube below the photosphere but then join the ambient field
system in the corona and reach the boundaries of the domain as
horizontal field lines.