Williams, P. M.; Kidger, M. R.; van der Hucht, K. A.; Morris, P. W.; Tapia, M.; Perinotto, M.; Morbidelli, L.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Anthony, D. M.; Caldwell, J. J.; Alonso, A.; Wild, V.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 324, Issue 1, pp. 156-166.
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Número de citas referidas
We present new infrared photometry of the WC7-type Wolf-Rayet star HD
192641 (WR137) from 1985 to 1999. These data track the cooling of the
dust cloud formed in the 1982-84 dust-formation episode from 1985 to
1991, the increase of the infrared flux from 1994.5 to a new
dust-formation maximum in 1997 and its subsequent fading. From these and
earlier data we derive a period of 4765+/-50d (13.05+/-0.15yr) for the
dust-formation episodes. Between dust-emission episodes, the infrared
spectral energy distribution has the form of a power law,
λFλ~λ-1.86. The rising branch
of the infrared light curve (1994-97) differs in form from that of the
episodic dust-maker WR125. Time-dependent modelling shows that this
difference can be attributed to a different time dependence of dust
formation in WR137, which occurred approximately ~t2 until
maximum, whereas that of WR125 could be described by a step function,
akin to a threshold effect. For an adopted distance of 1.6kpc, the rate
of dust formation was found to be
5.0×10-8Msolaryr-1 at maximum,
accounting for a fraction fC~1.5×10-3 of the
carbon flowing in the stellar wind. The fading branches of the light
curves show evidence for secondary `mini-eruptions' in 1987, 1988 and
1990, behaviour very different from that of the prototypical episodic
dust-maker HD 193793 (WR140), and suggesting the presence in the WR137
stellar wind of large-scale structures that are crossed by the wind-wind
collision region.