Far-infrared imaging, polarimetry, and spectrophotometry on the Infrared Space Observatory

Lemke, Dietrich; Garzon, F.; Gemuend, Hans-Peter; Groezinger, Ulrich; Heinrichsen, Ingolf; Klaas, Ulrich; Kraetschmer, Wolfgang; Kreysa, Ernst; Luetzow-Wentzky, Peter; Schubert, Josef; Wells, Martyn; Wolf, Juergen
Referencia bibliográfica

Optical Engineering 33(01), 20-25, Brian J. Thompson; Ed.

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The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) photometer is one of four instruments on-board the European Space Agency ISO scheduled for launch in September 1995. It covers the wavelength range 2.5 to 240 micrometers with wide and narrow spectral bands. Diffraction- limited observations as well as wide-beam measurements of faint extended sources are possible. Polarimetric observations can be made over the whole wavelength range. The minimal detectable flux is approximately 10 mJy. The astronomical areas to be addressed range from solar system objects to cosmology.