Punsly, Brian; Clarke, Tracy E.; Tingay, Steven; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Rasmussen, Jesper; Colbert, Ed
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 687, Issue 1, pp. 162-172.
Fecha de publicación:
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In this article we demonstrate that PKS J1037-2705 has a weak accretion
flow luminosity, well below the Seyfert 1/QSO dividing line, weak broad
emission lines (BELs), and moderately powerful FR II extended radio
emission. It is one of the few documented examples of a broad-line
object in which the time-averaged jet kinetic luminosity, Q, is larger
than the total thermal luminosity (IR to X-ray) of the accretion flow,
Lbol. The blazar nucleus dominates the optical and
near-ultraviolet emission and is a strong source of hard X-rays. The
strong blazar emission indicates that the relativistic radio jet is
presently active. The implication is that even weakly accreting AGNs can
create powerful jets. Kinetically dominated (Q>Lbol)
broad-line objects provide important constraints on the relationship
between the accretion flow and the jet production mechanism.
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