Galactic kinematics of Planetary Nebulae with [WC] central star

Rechy-García, J. S.; García-Rojas, J.; Peña, M.
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Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Vol. 49, pp. 87-99 (2013)

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High resolution spectra are used to analyze the galactic kinematics and distribution of a sample of planetary nebulae with [WR] and `wel' central star ([WR]PN and WLPN). The circular and peculiar velocities, (V_pec), of the objects were derived. The results are: (a) [WR]PNe are distributed mainly in the galactic disk and they are more concentrated in a thinner disk than WLPNe and normal PNe, which corresponds to a younger population. (b) The sample was separated in Peimbert's types, and it is found that Type I PNe have V_pec ≤ 50^ km s^{-1}, indicating young objects. Most of the [WR]PNe are of Type II showing V_pec ≤ 60 km s^{-1}, although a small percentage is of Type III with larger V_pec. This shows that the Wolf-Rayet phenomenon in central stars can occur at any stellar mass and in old objects. None of our WLPNe is of Type I. Thus, [WR]PNe and WLPNe are unrelated objects.
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