Global Chemistry and Thermal Structure Models for the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b and Predictions for JWST

Venot, Olivia; Crouzet, N.; Carone, Ludmila; Tremblin, Pascal; Parmentier, Vivien; Moses, Julianne; Cubillos, Patricio; Blecic, Jasmina; Molliere, Paul; Kreidberg, Laura; Stevenson, Kevin B.
Referencia bibliográfica

European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September 2018 at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, id.EPSC2018-1026

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be launched in 2020. The observations performed with this telescope will revolutionise the field of exoplanet characterisation. The Transiting Exoplanet Community propose to observe the exoplanet WASP-43b in order to better understand the physical structure and the chemical and dynamical processes occurring in the atmosphere of this planet. We present here the scientific objectives for this observation and the expected results.