Kinematics and stellar populations of the double-barred early-type galaxy NGC357

de Lorenzo-Cáceres, Adriana; Vazdekis, Alexandre; Aguerri, J. Alfonso L.
Referencia bibliográfica

Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 245, p. 137-138

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We have carried out a kinematical and stellar population analysis of the double-barred galaxy NGC357 to provide a more complete characterization of these systems and their role in the formation of galaxy bulges. We clearly identify the presence of the inner bar in the radial velocity and velocity dispersion profiles. The age, metallicity and [Mg/Fe] abundance ratio estimates are very similar to those of ellipticals of equivalent central σ. The [Mg/Fe] value for the bulge of this galaxy suggests formation timescales shorter than 1Gyr.
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