Almenara, J. M.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Cabrera, J.; Deeg, H. J.; Klagyivik, P.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 602, id.A117, 11 pp.
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Aims: During its flight phase, from 2007-2012, the CoRoT mission
delivered light curves for over 2000 eclipsing binaries. Data from the
Kepler mission have proven the existence of several transiting
circumbinary planets. While light curves from CoRoT typically have lower
precision and shorter coverage, the number of CoRoT targets is similar
to that of Kepler and some of the known circumbinary planets could
potentially be detected in CoRoT data as well. The aim of this work was
to reanalyse the entire CoRoT Data set to search for the presence of
circumbinary planets and to derive limits on the abundances of such
planets. Methods: We developed a code that removes the signatures
of eclipsing binaries from the light curves, and searches for
quasi-periodic, transit-like features in the light curves after removal
of binary eclipses and instrumental features. The code requires little
information on sample systems and can also be used for other space
missions, such as Kepler, K2, TESS, and PLATO. The code is broad in the
requirements leading to detections, but was tuned to deliver an amount
of detections that are manageable in a subsequent, mainly visual,
assessment of their origin. Results: We identified three planet
candidates in the CoRoT sample whose transits would have arisen from a
single pass across the central binary; however, no candidates with
transit events from multiple planetary orbits remained. We calculated
the upper limits for the number of Jupiter, Saturn-, and Neptune-sized
planets in co-planar orbits for different orbital period ranges. We
found that there are much fewer giant planets in short periodic orbits
around close binary systems than around single stars.
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