Miles-Páez, P. A.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Pallé, E.; Peña-Ramírez, K.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 556, id.A125, 11 pp.
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Aims: We aim to study the near-infrared linear polarization
signal of rapidly rotating ultracool dwarfs with spectral types ranging
from M7 through T2 and projected rotational velocities of v sin i ≳
30 km s-1. These dwarfs are believed to have dusty
atmospheres and oblate shapes, which is an appropriate scenario to
produce measurable linear polarization of the continuum light.
Methods: Linear polarimetric images were collected in the J-band for a
sample of 18 fast-rotating ultracool dwarfs, of which five were also
observed in the Z-band using the Long-slit Intermediate Resolution
Infrared Spectrograph (LIRIS) on the Cassegrain focus of the 4.2-m
William Herschel Telescope. The measured median uncertainty in the
linear polarization degree is ±0.13% for our sample, which
allowed us to detect polarization signatures above ~0.39% with a
confidence interval of ≥3σ. Results: About 40 ±
15% of the sample is linearly polarized in the Z- and J-bands. All
positive detections have linear polarization degrees ranging from 0.4%
to 0.8% in both filters independent of spectral type and spectroscopic
rotational velocity. However, simple statistics point at the fastest
rotators (v sin i ≳ 60 km s-1) having a larger fraction
of positive detections and a larger averaged linear polarization degree
than the moderately rotating dwarfs (v sin i = 30-60 km s-1).
Our data suggest little linear polarimetric variability on short
timescales (i.e., observations separated by a few ten rotation periods),
and significant variability on long timescales (i.e., hundred to
thousand rotation cycles), supporting the presence of long-term weather
in ultracool dwarf atmospheres.
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