Heida, M.; Jonker, P. G.; Torres, M. A. P.; Chiavassa, A.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 846, Issue 2, article id. 132, 8 pp. (2017).
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We obtained 16 VLT/X-shooter observations of GX 339‑4 in
quiescence during the period 2016 May–September and detected
absorption lines from the donor star in its NIR spectrum. This allows us
to measure the radial velocity curve and projected rotational velocity
of the donor for the first time. We confirm the 1.76 day orbital period
and we find that K 2 = 219 ± 3 km
s‑1, γ = 26 ± 2 km s‑1,
and v\sin i = 64 ± 8 km s‑1. From these values
we compute a mass function f(M) = 1.91 ± 0.08 {M}ȯ
, a factor ∼3 lower than previously reported, and a mass ratio
q = 0.18 ± 0.05. We confirm the donor is a K-type star and
estimate that it contributes ∼ 4 % {--}50 % of the light in the J-
and H-bands. We constrain the binary inclination to 37° < i <
78° and the black hole (BH) mass to 2.3 {M}ȯ <
{M}{BH} < 9.5 {M}ȯ . GX 339‑4 may
therefore be the first BH to fall in the “mass-gap” of
2–5 M ⊙.
Based on ESO program IDs 097.D-0915 and 297.D-5048.
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