Measurement of the WZ production cross section in pp collisions at √{s} = 7 and 8 {TeV} and search for anomalous triple gauge couplings at √{s} = 8 {TeV}

Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J.; Brondolin, E.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Flechl, M.; Friedl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hartl, C.; Hörmann, N.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; König, A.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Matsushita, T.; Mikulec, I.; Rabady, D.; Rad, N.; Rahbaran, B.; Rohringer, H.; Schieck, J.; Strauss, J.; Treberer-Treberspurg, W.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C.-E.; Mossolov, V.; Shumeiko, N.; Gonzalez, J. Suarez; Alderweireldt, S.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Lauwers, J.; Van De Klundert, M.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Van Spilbeeck, A.; Zeid, S. Abu; Blekman, F.; D'Hondt, J.; Daci, N.; De Bruyn, I.; Deroover, K.; Heracleous, N.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Moreels, L.; Olbrechts, A.; Python, Q.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Parijs, I.; Brun, H.; Caillol, C.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Delannoy, H.; Fasanella, G.; Favart, L.; Goldouzian, R.; Grebenyuk, A.; Karapostoli, G.; Lenzi, T.; Léonard, A.; Luetic, J.; Maerschalk, T.; Marinov, A.; Randle-conde, A.; Seva, T.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Yonamine, R.; Zenoni, F.; Zhang, F.; Cimmino, A.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Fagot, A.; Garcia, G.; Gul, M.; Poyraz, D.; Salva, S.; Schöfbeck, R.; Tytgat, M.; Van Driessche, W.; Yazgan, E.; Zaganidis, N.; Bakhshiansohi, H.; Beluffi, C.; Bondu, O.; Brochet, S.; Bruno, G. et al.
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The European Physical Journal C, Volume 77, Issue 4, article id.236, 29 pp.

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The WZ production cross section is measured by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collision data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.9 {fb}^{-1} collected at √{s} = 7 {TeV} , and 19.6 {fb}^{-1} at √{s} = 8 {TeV} . The measurements are performed using the fully-leptonic WZ decay modes with electrons and muons in the final state. The measured cross sections for 71< mZ < 111 {GeV} are σ ({pp}→ {WZ}; √{s} = 7 {TeV}) = 20.14 ± 1.32 {(stat)} ± 0.38 {(theo)} ± 1.06 {(exp)} ± 0.44 {(lumi)} {pb} and σ ({pp}→ {WZ}; √{s} = 8 {TeV}) = 24.09 ± 0.87 {(stat)} ± 0.80 {(theo)} ± 1.40 {(exp)} ± 0.63 {(lumi)} {pb}. Differential cross sections with respect to the Z boson pT, the leading jet pT, and the number of jets are obtained using the √{s} = 8 {TeV} data. The results are consistent with standard model predictions and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings are obtained.