Durant, M.; Gandhi, P.; Shahbaz, T.; Peralta, H. H.; Dhillon, V. S.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 392, Issue 1, pp. 309-324.
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
We have conducted an extensive observational campaign of
SWIFTJ1753.5-0127 during 2007 June after its bright outburst episode in
2005. We have performed multiband optical photometry, optical
spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and timing and ULTRACAM optical
photometry simultaneously in three bands. Both the optical spectrum and
the X-ray spectrum along with enhanced brightness in broad-band
photometry point to recent increased activity. We analyse the different
spectral regions, finding a smooth optical continuum with a remarkable
lack of lines and a very blue component modulated with a period of 3.2h
and a hard power-law X-ray spectrum. Both the X-ray and optical power
spectra are flat at low frequencies up to the 0.1Hz (10s) range, then
decreasing roughly as a power law consistent with flickering.
Furthermore, the optical data show quasi-periodic oscillations near
0.08Hz (13s). Together with a dynamical and autocorrelation analysis of
the light curves we attempt to construct a complete physical picture of
this intriguing system.
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