Nebular emission lines in IRAS 10215-5916

Garcia-Lario, P.; Manchado, A.; Parthasarathy, M.; Pottasch, S. R.
Referencia bibliográfica

Astronomy and Astrophysics 285, 179-184 (1994)

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From low and high resolution spectroscopic observations of IRAS 10215-5916 we have discovered the presence of nebular emission lines in this G-type supergiant star in the post-AGB stage. From its high resolution spectrum we derived an expansion velocity of 17 km/s for the shell, similar to the values usually observed in planetary and proto-planetary nebulae. The images taken in the near infrared show that IRAS 10215-5916 is slightly extended and asymmetric. Although we cannot rule out a possible binary nature for the central star of this IRAS source, in which a hot component could be the responsible for the observed nebular emission, no indications of binarity have been found so far. We suggest that the observed spectrum and morphology could be produced by the asymmetric mass loss of a single star in the post-AGB phase. Post-AGB mass loss can play a fundamental role on shortening the transition time towards the planetary nebula stage and favour the formation of the bipolar structures commonly observed in evolved planetary nebulae. In this sense, it is shown that this mass loss is more intense and frequent for massive progenitors of PNe.