Aller, A.; Lillo-Box, J.; Vučković, M.; Van Winckel, H.; Jones, D.; Montesinos, B.; Zorotovic, M.; Miranda, L. F.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 476, Issue 1, p.1140-1150
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LoTr 5 is a planetary nebula with an unusual long-period binary central
star. As far as we know, the pair consists of a rapidly rotating G-type
star and a hot star, which is responsible for the ionization of the
nebula. The rotation period of the G-type star is 5.95 d and the orbital
period of the binary is now known to be ˜2700 d, one of the
longest in central star of planetary nebulae. The spectrum of the G
central star shows a complex H α double-peaked profile which
varies with very short time-scales, also reported in other central stars
of planetary nebulae and whose origin is still unknown. We present new
radial velocity observations of the central star which allow us to
confirm the orbital period for the long-period binary and discuss the
possibility of a third component in the system at ˜129 d to the G
star. This is complemented with the analysis of archival light curves
from Super Wide Angle Search for Planets, All Sky Automated Survey, and
Optical Monitoring Camera. From the spectral fitting of the G-type star,
we obtain an effective temperature of Teff = 5410 ±
250 K and surface gravity of log g = 2.7 ± 0.5, consistent with
both giant and subgiant stars. We also present a detailed analysis of
the H α double-peaked profile and conclude that it does not
present correlation with the rotation period and that the presence of an
accretion disc via Roche lobe overflow is unlikely.
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