Guzman-Ramirez, L.; Gómez-Ruíz, A. I.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Jones, D.; Wesson, R.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Smith, C. L.; Nyman, Lars-Åke
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 618, id.A91, 21 pp.
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Context. Observations of molecular gas have played a key role in
developing the current understanding of the late stages of stellar
evolution. Aims: The survey Planetary nebulae AND their cO
Reservoir with APEX (PANDORA) was designed to study the circumstellar
shells of evolved stars with the aim to estimate their physical
parameters. Methods: Millimetre carbon monoxide (CO) emission is
the most useful probe of the warm molecular component ejected by low- to
intermediate-mass stars. CO is the second-most abundant molecule in the
Universe, and the millimetre transitions are easily excited, thus making
it particularly useful to study the mass, structure, and kinematics of
the molecular gas. We present a large survey of the CO (J = 3-2) line
using the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope in a sample of
93 proto-planetary nebulae and planetary nebulae. Results: CO (J
= 3-2) was detected in 21 of the 93 objects. Only two objects (IRC+10216
and PN M2-9) had previous CO (J = 3-2) detections, therefore we present
the first detection of CO (J = 3-2) in the following 19 objects: Frosty
Leo, HD 101584, IRAS 19475+3119, PN M1-11, V* V852 Cen, IC 4406, Hen
2-113, Hen 2-133, PN Fg 3, PN Cn 3-1, PN M2-43, PN M1-63, PN M1-65,
BD+30 3639, Hen 2-447, Hen 2-459, PN M3-35, NGC 3132, and NGC 6326. Conclusions: CO (J = 3-2) was detected in all 4 observed pPNe (100%),
15 of the 75 PNe (20%), one of the 4 wide binaries (25%), and in 1 of
the 10 close binaries (10%). Using the CO (J = 3-2) line, we estimated
the column density and mass of each source. The H2 column
density ranges from 1.7 × 1018 to 4.2 ×
1021 cm-2 and the molecular mass ranges from 2.7
× 10-4 to 1.7 × 10-1
The reduced spectra are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to
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