Lodieu, N.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Peña Ramírez, K.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 473, Issue 2, p.2020-2059
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We present the results of photometric and spectroscopic follow-ups of
the lowest mass member candidates in the nearest OB association, Upper
Scorpius (∼5-10 Myr; 145 ± 17 pc), with the Gran Telescopio
de Canarias (GTC) and European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large
Telescope (VLT). We confirm the membership of the large majority (>80
per cent) of candidates originally selected photometrically and
astrometrically based on their spectroscopic features, weak equivalent
widths of gravity-sensitive doublets and radial velocities. Confirmed
members follow a sequence over a wide magnitude range (J = 17.0-19.3
mag) in several colour-magnitude diagrams with optical, near- and
mid-infrared photometry and have near-infrared spectral types in the
L1-L7 interval with likely masses below 15 Jupiter masses. We find that
optical spectral types tend to be earlier than near-infrared spectral
types by a few subclasses for spectral types later than M9. We
investigate the behaviour of spectral indices, defined in the literature
as a function of spectral type and gravity, by comparison with values
reported in the literature for young and old dwarfs. We also derive
effective temperatures in the 1900-1600 K range from fits of synthetic
model-atmosphere spectra to the observed photometry, but we caution that
the procedure carries large uncertainties. We determine bolometric
corrections for young L dwarfs with ages of ∼5-10 Myr (Upper Sco
association) and find them to be similar in the J band but larger by
0.1-0.4 mag in the K band with respect to field L dwarfs. Finally, we
discover two faint young L dwarfs, Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope
for Astronomy (VISTA) J1607-2146 (L4.5) and VISTA J1611-2215 (L5), that
have Hα emission and possible flux excesses at 4.5 μm, pointing
to the presence of accretion from a disc on to the central objects of
mass below ∼15MJup at an age of 5-10 Myr.
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