Casewell, S. L.; Dobbie, P. D.; Geier, S.; Lodieu, N.; Hambly, N. C.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 451, Issue 4, p.4259-4265
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
As part of an investigation into the high-mass end of the initial
mass-final mass relation we performed a search for new white dwarf
members of the nearby (172.4 pc), young (80-90 Myr) α Persei open
star cluster. The photometric and astrometric search using the United
Kingdom InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT) Infrared Deep Sky Survey and
SuperCOSMOS sky surveys discovered 14 new white dwarf candidates. We
have obtained medium resolution optical spectra of the brightest 11
candidates using the William Herschel Telescope and confirmed that while
7 are DA white dwarfs, 3 are DB white dwarfs and 1 is an sdOB star, only
three have cooling ages within the cluster age, and from their position
on the initial mass-final mass relation, it is likely none are cluster
members. This result is disappointing, as recent work on the cluster
mass function suggests that there should be at least one white dwarf
member, even at this young age. It may be that any white dwarf members
of α Per are hidden within binary systems, as is the case in the
Hyades cluster, however the lack of high-mass stars within the cluster
also makes this seem unlikely. One alternative is that a significant
level of detection incompleteness in the legacy optical image survey
data at this Galactic latitude has caused some white dwarf members to be
overlooked. If this is the case, Gaia will find them.
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