The SARS algorithm: detrending CoRoT light curves with Sysrem using simultaneous external parameters

Ofir, Aviv; Alonso, Roi; Bonomo, Aldo Stefano; Carone, Ludmila; Carpano, Stefania; Samuel, Benjamin; Weingrill, Jörg; Aigrain, Suzanne; Auvergne, Michel; Baglin, Annie; Barge, Pierre; Borde, Pascal; Bouchy, Francois; Deeg, H. J.; Deleuil, Magali; Dvorak, Rudolf; Erikson, Anders; Mello, Sylvio Ferraz; Fridlund, Malcolm; Gillon, Michel; Guillot, Tristan; Hatzes, Artie; Jorda, Laurent; Lammer, Helmut; Leger, Alain; Llebaria, Antoine; Moutou, Claire; Ollivier, Marc; Päetzold, Martin; Queloz, Didier; Rauer, Heike; Rouan, Daniel; Schneider, Jean; Wuchterl, Guenther
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 404, Issue 1, pp. L99-L103.

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Surveys for exoplanetary transits are usually limited not by photon noise but rather by the amount of red noise in their data. In particular, although the CoRoT space-based survey data are being carefully scrutinized, significant new sources of systematic noises are still being discovered. Recently, a magnitude-dependant systematic effect was discovered in the CoRoT data by Mazeh et al. and a phenomenological correction was proposed. Here we tie the observed effect to a particular type of effect, and in the process generalize the popular Sysrem algorithm to include external parameters in a simultaneous solution with the unknown effects. We show that a post-processing scheme based on this algorithm performs well and indeed allows for the detection of new transit-like signals that were not previously detected.
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