Ramsay, G.; Doyle, J. Gerry; Hakala, Pasi; García-Alvarez, D.; Brooks, Adam; Barclay, Thomas; Still, Martin
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 434, Issue 3, p.2451-2457
Fecha de publicación:
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Using data obtained during the RATS-Kepler project, we identified one
short-duration flare in a 1 h sequence of ground-based photometry of the
dwarf star KIC 5474065. Observations made using Gran Telescopio Canarias
show that it is a star with an M4V spectral type. Kepler observations
made using 1 min sampling show that KIC 5474065 exhibits large-amplitude
(δF/F > 0.4) optical flares which have a duration as short as
10 min. We compare the energy distribution of flares from KIC 5474065
with that of KIC 9726699, which has also been observed using 1-min
sampling, and ground-based observations of other M dwarf stars in the
literature. We discuss the possible implications these short-duration,
relatively low-energy flares would have on the atmosphere of exoplanets
orbiting in the habitable zone of these flare stars.
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