Lodieu, N.; Boudreault, S.; Béjar, V. J. S.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 445, Issue 4, p.3908-3918
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
We present the results of photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic
follow-up of L dwarf candidates identified in the Hyades cluster by
Hogan et al. We obtained low-resolution optical spectroscopy with the
Optical System for Imaging and low-intermediate Resolution Integrated
Spectroscopy spectrograph on the Gran Telescopio de Canarias for all 12
L dwarf candidates as well as new J-band imaging for a subsample of 8 to
confirm their proper motion. We also present mid-infrared photometry
from the Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer for the Hyades L and T
dwarf candidates and estimate their spectroscopic distances, effective
temperatures, and masses. We confirm the cool nature of several L dwarf
candidates and confirm astrometrically their membership, bridging the
gap between the coolest M dwarfs and the two T dwarfs previously
reported in the Hyades cluster. These members represent valuable
spectral templates at an age of 625 Myr and slightly supersolar
metallicity (Fe/H = +0.13). We update the Hyades mass function across
the hydrogen-burning limit and in the substellar regime. We confirm a
small number numbers of very low mass members below ˜0.1
M⊙ belonging to the Hyades cluster.
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