The Structure of the Accretion Disk in the Lensed Quasar SBS 0909+532

Mediavilla, E.; Muñoz, J. A.; Kochanek, C. S.; Guerras, E.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Falco, E.; Motta, V.; Arribas, S.; Manchado, A.; Mosquera, A.
Referencia bibliográfica

The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 730, Issue 1, article id. 16 (2011).

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We derive the size and temperature profile of the accretion disk of the lensed quasar SBS 0909+532 by measuring the wavelength dependence (chromaticity) of the microlensing magnification produced by the stars in the lens galaxy. After correcting for extinction using the flux ratios of 14 emission lines, we observe a marked change in the B-A flux ratio with wavelength, varying from -0.67 ± 0.05 mag at (rest frame) ~1460 Å to -0.24 ± 0.07 mag at ~6560 Å. For λ >~ 7000 Å both effects, extinction and microlensing, look minimal. Simulations indicate that image B rather than A is strongly microlensed. If we model the change in disk size from 1460 Å to 6560 Å using a Gaussian source (I vprop exp(-R 2/2r 2 s )) with a disk size scaling with wavelength as rs vprop λ p , we find rs = 7+5 -3 light-days at 1460 Å and p = 0.9+0.6 -0.3 for uniform priors on rs and p, and rs = 4+3 -3 light-days and p = 1.0+0.6 -0.4 for a logarithmic prior on rs . The disk temperature profile T vprop R -1/p is consistent with thin disk theory (T vprop R -3/4), given the uncertainties. The estimates of rs are also in agreement with the size inferred from thin disk theory using the estimated black hole mass (M BH ~= 2 × 109 M sun) but not with the smaller size estimated from thin disk theory and the optical flux. We also use the flux ratios of the unmicrolensed emission lines to determine the extinction curve of the dust in the lens galaxy, finding that it is similar to that of the LMC2 Supershell.
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El estudio de las lentes gravitatorias proporciona poderosas herramientas en Astrofísica y Cosmología. Las principales aplicaciones de las lentes gravitatorias en las que se centra este proyecto son las siguientes: (i) estudiar la presencia de subestructura de materia obscura en las galaxias lente a partir de las anomalías en la magnificación de
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