Sale, S. E.; Drew, J. E.; Knigge, C.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Irwin, M. J.; Morris, R. A. H.; Phillipps, S.; Drake, J. J.; Greimel, R.; Unruh, Y. C.; Groot, P. J.; Mampaso, A.; Walton, N. A.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 2, pp. 713-723.
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
This study is an investigation of the stellar density profile of the
Galactic disc in the anticentre direction. We select over 40000 early A
stars from INT/WFC Photometric Hα Survey of the Northern Galactic
Plane (IPHAS) photometry in the Galactic longitude range 160° < l
< 200° close to the equatorial plane (-1° < b <
+1°). We then compare their observed reddening-corrected apparent
magnitude distribution with simulated photometry obtained from
parametrized models in order to set constraints on the anticentre
stellar density profile. By selecting A stars, we are appraising the
properties of a population only ~100 Myr old. We find that the stellar
density profile of young stars is well fit to an exponential with
length-scale of (3020 +/- 120statistical +/-
180systematic) pc, which is comparable to that obtained in
earlier studies, out to a Galactocentric radius of RT = (13.0
+/- 0.5statistical +/- 0.6systematic) kpc. At
larger radii, the rate of decline appears to increase with the
scalelength dropping to (1200 +/- 300statistical +/-
70systematic) pc. This result amounts to a refinement of the
conclusions reached in previous studies that the stellar density profile
is abruptly truncated. The IPHAS A star data are not compatible with
models that propose a sudden change in metallicity at RG = 10
Proyectos relacionados
Nebulosas Bipolares
Nuestro proyecto persigue tres objetivos principales: 1) Determinar las condiciones físico-químicas de las nebulosas planetarias con geometría bipolar y de las nebulosas alrededor de estrellas simbióticas. El fin es entender el origen de la bipolaridad y poner a prueba los modelos teóricos que intentan explicar la morfología y la cinemática nebular
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