Supermassive black holes and dark matter halos

Pizzella, A.; Corsini, E. M.; Vega Beltrán, J. C.; Coccato, L.; Bertola, F.
Referencia bibliográfica

Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, v.74, p.504 (2003)

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Recently a tight correlation between the bulge velocity dispersion and the galaxy circular velocity has been found for a sample of spiral galaxies (Ferrarese 2002). Since bulge velocity dispersion and circular velocity are related to the masses of the central black hole and dark matter halo respectively, the correlation between velocity dispersion and circular velocity is equivalent to one between the mass of super-massive black hole and dark halo. We explore this correlation by using velocity dispersions and circular velocities derived from stellar and ionized-gas kinematics we measured for a sample of 17 intermediate-to-late type spiral galaxies. We plan now to apply the same analysis to a sample of low surface brightness galaxies.