Wu, Jintai; Qiu, Keping; Poidevin, Frédérick; Bastien, Pierre; Liu, Junhao; Ching, Tao-Chung; Bourke, Tyler L.; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Pattle, Kate; Johnstone, Doug; Koch, Patrick M.; Arzoumanian, Doris; Lee, Chang Won; Fanciullo, Lapo; Onaka, Takashi; Hwang, Jihye; Le Gouellec, Valentin J. M.; Soam, Archana; Tamura, Motohide; Tahani, Mehrnoosh; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Li, Hua-Bai; Berry, David; Furuya, Ray S.; Coudé, Simon; Kwon, Woojin; Lin, Sheng-Jun; Wang, Jia-Wei; Hasegawa, Tetsuo; Lai, Shih-Ping; Byun, Do-Young; Chen, Zhiwei; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Chen, Wen Ping; Chen, Mike; Cho, Jungyeon; Choi, Youngwoo; Choi, Yunhee; Choi, Minho; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Chung, Eun Jung; Dai, Sophia; Di Francesco, James; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Doi, Yasuo; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Duan, Yan; Eden, David; Fiege, Jason; Fissel, Laura M.; Franzmann, Erica; Friberg, Per; Friesen, Rachel; Fuller, Gary; Gledhill, Tim; Graves, Sarah; Greaves, Jane; Griffin, Matt; Gu, Qilao; Han, Ilseung; Hayashi, Saeko; Hoang, Thiem; Houde, Martin; Inoue, Tsuyoshi; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Iwasaki, Kazunari; Jeong, Il-Gyo; Könyves, Vera; Kang, Ji-hyun; Kang, Miju; Karoly, Janik; Kataoka, Akimasa; Kawabata, Koji; Kim, Shinyoung; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Kim, Kyoung Hee; Kim, Kee-Tae; Kim, Jongsoo; Kim, Hyosung; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kirchschlager, Florian; Kirk, Jason; Kobayashi, Masato I. N.; Kusune, Takayoshi; Kwon, Jungmi; Lacaille, Kevin; Law, Chi-Yan; Lee, Hyeseung; Lee, Chin-Fei; Lee, Sang-Sung; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Li, Dalei; Li, Di; Li, Guangxing; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Liu, Tie; Liu, Hong-Li; Lu, Xing; Lyo, A. -Ran; Mairs, Steve et al.
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The Astrophysical Journal
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As part of the B-fields In Star-forming Region Observations survey, we present James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) 850 μm polarimetric observations toward the Orion integral-shaped filament (ISF) that covers three portions known as OMC-1, OMC-2, and OMC-3. The magnetic field threading the ISF seen in the JCMT POL-2 map appears as a tale of three: pinched for OMC-1, twisted for OMC-2, and nearly uniform for OMC-3. A multiscale analysis shows that the magnetic field structure in OMC-3 is very consistent at all the scales, whereas the field structure in OMC-2 shows no correlation across different scales. In OMC-1, the field retains its mean orientation from large to small scales but shows some deviations at small scales. Histograms of relative orientations between the magnetic field and filaments reveal a bimodal distribution for OMC-1, a relatively random distribution for OMC-2, and a distribution with a predominant peak at 90∘ for OMC-3. Furthermore, the magnetic fields in OMC-1 and OMC-3 both appear to be aligned perpendicular to the fibers, which are denser structures within the filament, but the field in OMC-2 is aligned along with the fibers. All these suggest that gravity, turbulence, and magnetic field are each playing a leading role in OMC-1, 2, and 3, respectively. While OMC-2 and 3 have almost the same gas mass, density, and nonthermal velocity dispersion, there are on average younger and fewer young stellar objects in OMC-3, providing evidence that a stronger magnetic field will induce slower and less efficient star formation in molecular clouds.
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