Ábrahám, P.; Kóspál, Á.; Kun, M.; Fehér, O.; Zsidi, G.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Carnerero, M. I.; García-Álvarez, D.; Moór, A.; Cseh, B.; Hajdu, G.; Hanyecz, O.; Kelemen, J.; Kriskovics, L.; Marton, G.; Mező, Gy.; Molnár, L.; Ordasi, A.; Rodríguez-Coira, G.; Sárneczky, K.; Sódor, Á.; Szakáts, R.; Szegedi-Elek, E.; Szing, A.; Farkas-Takács, A.; Vida, K.; Vinkó, J.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 853, Issue 1, article id. 28, 16 pp. (2018).
Fecha de publicación:
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V582 Aur is an FU Ori-type young eruptive star in outburst since
∼1985. The eruption is currently in a relatively constant plateau
phase, with photometric and spectroscopic variability superimposed. Here
we will characterize the progenitor of the outbursting object, explore
its environment, and analyze the temporal evolution of the eruption. We
are particularly interested in the physical origin of the two deep
photometric dips, one that occurred in 2012 and one that is ongoing
since 2016. We collected archival photographic plates and carried out
new optical, infrared, and millimeter-wave photometric and spectroscopic
observations between 2010 and 2018, with a high sampling rate during the
current minimum. Besides analyzing the color changes during fading, we
compiled multiepoch spectral energy distributions and fitted them with a
simple accretion disk model. Based on pre-outburst data and a millimeter
continuum measurement, we suggest that the progenitor of the V582 Aur
outburst is a low-mass T Tauri star with average properties. The mass of
an unresolved circumstellar structure, probably a disk, is 0.04 M
⊙. The optical and near-infrared spectra demonstrate the
presence of hydrogen and metallic lines, show the CO band head in
absorption, and exhibit a variable Hα profile. The color
variations strongly indicate that both the ∼1 yr long brightness dip
in 2012 and the current minimum since 2016 are caused by increased
extinction along the line of sight. According to our accretion disk
models, the reddening changed from A V = 4.5 to 12.5 mag,
while the accretion rate remained practically constant. Similarly to the
models of the UXor phenomenon of intermediate- and low-mass young stars,
orbiting disk structures could be responsible for the eclipses.
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