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  • The IACOB project. VIII. Searching for empirical signatures of binarity in fast-rotating O-type stars
    Context. The empirical distribution of projected rotational velocities (v sin i) in massive O-type stars is characterised by a dominant slow velocity component and a tail of fast rotators. It has been proposed that binary interaction plays a dominant role in the formation of this tail. Aims: We perform a complete and homogeneous search for
    Herrero, A. et al.

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  • Spins and shapes of basaltic asteroids and the missing mantle problem
    Basaltic V-type asteroids are common in the inner part of the Main Asteroid Belt and much less abundant in the mid and outer parts. They are of scientific interest because they sample crusts and mantles of theoretically plentiful differentiated planetesimals that existed in the Solar System four billion years ago. Some Solar System theories suggest
    Oszkiewicz, Dagmara et al.

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  • Euclid preparation. XXV. The Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards model-fitting photometry for billions of galaxies
    The European Space Agency's Euclid mission will provide high-quality imaging for about 1.5 billion galaxies. A software pipeline to automatically process and analyse such a huge amount of data in real time is being developed by the Science Ground Segment of the Euclid Consortium; this pipeline will include a model-fitting algorithm, which will
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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  • Hidden depths in the local Universe: The Stellar Stream Legacy Survey
    Context. Mergers and tidal interactions between massive galaxies and their dwarf satellites are a fundamental prediction of the Lambda-cold dark matter cosmology. These events are thought to provide important observational diagnostics of non-linear structure formation. Stellar streams in the Milky Way and Andromeda are spectacular evidence for
    Martínez-Delgado, David et al.

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  • The miniJPAS survey quasar selection - I. Mock catalogues for classification
    In this series of papers, we employ several machine learning (ML) methods to classify the point-like sources from the miniJPAS catalogue, and identify quasar candidates. Since no representative sample of spectroscopically confirmed sources exists at present to train these ML algorithms, we rely on mock catalogues. In this first paper, we develop a
    Queiroz, Carolina et al.

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  • A seesaw model for large neutrino masses in concordance with cosmology
    Cosmological constraints on the sum of the neutrino masses can be relaxed if the number density of active neutrinos is reduced compared to the standard scenario, while at the same time keeping the effective number of neutrino species N eff \approx 3 by introducing a new component of dark radiation. We discuss a UV complete model to realise this
    Escudero, Miguel et al.

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