An observational test of the binary hypothesis for the origin of blue straggler stars is conducted by searching for radial velocity variables among 30 blue...
Blue stragglers in open clusters - A test of the binary hypothesis
A search for binaries among 17 blue stragglers in five galactic clusters, NGC 7789, 6633, 6819, 6939, and M 67, has been performed using measurements of radial...
Científicos del IAC completan un estudio sin precedentes de la masa de más de 500 cúmulos de galaxias
Un equipo de investigadores del grupo de Cosmología del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) ha obtenido una de las medidas más precisas de la masa que...
Close Binary Companions to APOGEE DR16 Stars: 20,000 Binary-star Systems Across the Color-Magnitude Diagram
Many problems in contemporary astrophysics—from understanding the formation of black holes to untangling the chemical evolution of galaxies—rely on knowledge...
Constraints to the masses of brown dwarf candidates form the lithium test
We present intermediate dispersion (0.7-2.2 A/pixel) optical spectroscopic observations aimed at applying the 'lithium test' to a sample of 10 brown dwarf...
DESI Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy: Revealing the Immigration History of Our Nearest Neighbor
We present Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) observations of the inner halo of M31, which reveal the kinematics of a recent merger-a galactic...
Detectan una nueva supertierra alrededor de una estrella enana roja
En los últimos años se ha llevado a cabo un seguimiento exhaustivo de estrellas enanas rojas con el objetivo de encontrar exoplanetas orbitando a su alrededor...
Detection of Gravitational Redshift in Open Cluster Nondegenerate Stars
A key observational prediction of Einstein's Equivalence Principle is that light undergoes redshift when it escapes from a gravitational field. Although...
This paper examines the possibility of recovering quantitative information on chromospheric velocity fields from high resolution (lambda/Delta lambda of about...