Agarwal, N.; Ho, Shirley; Myers, Adam D.; Seo, Hee-Jong; Ross, Ashley J.; Bahcall, Neta; Brinkmann, Jonathan; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Muna, Demitri; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Pâris, Isabelle; Petitjean, Patrick; Schneider, Donald P.; Streblyanska, A.; Weaver, Benjamin A.; Yèche, Christophe
Referencia bibliográfica
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 04, article id. 007, pp. (2014).
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Photometric large scale structure (LSS) surveys probe the largest
volumes in the Universe, but are inevitably limited by systematic
uncertainties. Imperfect photometric calibration leads to biases in our
measurements of the density fields of LSS tracers such as galaxies and
quasars, and as a result in cosmological parameter estimation. Earlier
studies have proposed using cross-correlations between different
redshift slices or cross-correlations between different surveys to
reduce the effects of such systematics. In this paper we develop a
method to characterize unknown systematics. We demonstrate that while we
do not have sufficient information to correct for unknown systematics in
the data, we can obtain an estimate of their magnitude. We define a
parameter to estimate contamination from unknown systematics using
cross-correlations between different redshift slices and propose
discarding bins in the angular power spectrum that lie outside a certain
contamination tolerance level. We show that this method improves
estimates of the bias using simulated data and further apply it to
photometric luminous red galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as a
case study.
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