Miszalski, B.; Corradi, R. L. M.; Boffin, H. M. J.; Jones, D.; Sabin, L.; Santander-García, M.; Rodríguez-Gil, P.; Rubio-Díez, M. M.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 413, Issue 2, pp. 1264-1274.
Fecha de publicación:
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Número de citas referidas
We report on the discovery of ETHOS 1 (PN G068.1+11.0), the first
spectroscopically confirmed planetary nebula (PN) from a survey of the
SuperCOSMOS Science Archive for high-latitude PNe. ETHOS 1 stands out as
one of the few PNe to have both polar outflows (jets) travelling at 120
± 10 km s-1 and a close binary central star. The light
curve observed with the Mercator Telescope reveals an orbital period of
0.535 d and an extremely large amplitude (0.816 mag) due to irradiation
of the companion by a very hot pre-white dwarf. ETHOS 1 further
strengthens the long-suspected link between binary central stars of PNe
(CSPN) and jets. The Isaac Newton Telescope/Intermediate Dispersion
Spectrograph and Very Large Telescope (VLT) FORS spectroscopy of the
CSPN reveals weak N III, C III and C IV emission lines seen in other
close binary CSPN and suggests that many CSPN with these weak emission
lines are misclassified close binaries. We present VLT FORS imaging and
Manchester Echelle Spectrometer long-slit observations from which a
kinematic model of the nebula is built. An unusual combination of
bipolar outflows and a spherical nebula conspires to produce an X-shaped
appearance. The kinematic age of the jets (1750 ± 250 yr
kpc-1) is found to be more than that of the inner nebula (900
± 100 yr kpc-1), consistent with previous studies of
similar PNe. Emission-line ratios of the jets are found to be consistent
with that of reverse-shock models for fast low-ionization emitting
regions (FLIERs) in PNe. Further large-scale surveys for close binary
CSPN will be required to securely establish whether FLIERs are launched
by close binaries. Based on observations made with the Flemish Mercator
Telescope and Isaac Newton Telescope of the Observatorio del Roque de
Los Muchachos and the VLT at the Paranal Observatory under programs
083.D-0654(A) and 085.D-0629(A).
Proyectos relacionados
Nebulosas Bipolares
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Mampaso Recio
Estrellas Binarias
El estudio de las estrellas binarias es una parte esencial de la astrofísica estelar. Una gran parte de las estrellas de nuestra Galaxia y de otras galaxias se ha formado en sistemas binarios o múltiples, por lo que entender la estructura y evolución de estos sistemas es importante desde el punto de vista estelar y galáctico. Un aspecto en el que
Rodríguez Gil