Bar characterization from S4G imaging: Gaining insight into the secular evolution of disc galaxies
The ΛCDM model predicts that galaxies originate in dark matter haloes, undergoing in their early age a process of continuous merges with other galaxies that...
The standard cosmological model has been established and its parameters are now measured with unprecedented precision. However, there is a big difference...
Beyond the gap; do galaxies care about group dynamics?
Galaxy groups and clusters are believed to influence galaxy evolution. It has been shown that the groups with early formation epoch, also known as fossil groups...
Binary stars as the key to understand planetary nebulae
Binarity and mass transfer appear to play a key role in the shaping and, most likely, in the formation of planetary nebulae (PNe), thereby explaining the large...
Binary stars in stellar population synthesis models and the UV upturn in early type galaxies.
Many stars are observed to belong to multiple systems. Interactions between binary stars may change the evolutionary track of a star, creating atypical stars...
In the past few years, a series of discoveries have been made of objects which appear to be accreting stellar mass black holes in globular clusters -- both in...
Stellar population synthesis has reached a high degree of sophistication that has been exploited to understand to a certain extent the mechanisms of formation...
BRITE-Constellation: Nano-Satellites for Stellar Astrophysics Research: Why Centimeter-Class Telescopes in Space need Meter-Class Telescopes on Ground?
BRITE-Constellation (BRight Target Explorer) consists of six nano-satellites aiming to study of variability of the brightest stars in the sky. Austria, Poland...