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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Abundances of iron-peak elements in 58 bulge spheroid stars from APOGEE
    Context. Stars presently identified in the bulge spheroid are probably very old, and their abundances can be interpreted as due to the fast chemical enrichment of the early Galactic bulge. The abundances of the iron-peak elements are important tracers of nucleosynthesis processes, in particular oxygen burning, silicon burning, the weak s-process
    Barbuy, B. et al.

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  • Effect of the local and large-scale environment on the star formation histories of galaxies
    Context. The specific environment of galaxies may play a key role in their evolution. Large extragalactic surveys make it possible to study galaxies not only within their local environment, but also within the large-scale structure of the Universe. Aims. We aim to investigate how the local environment influences the star formation history (SFH) of
    Torres-Ríos, G. et al.

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  • Euclid preparation: LII. Forecast impact of super-sample covariance on 3×2pt analysis with Euclid
    Context. Deviations from Gaussianity in the distribution of the fields probed by large-scale structure surveys generate additional terms in the data covariance matrix, increasing the uncertainties in the measurement of the cosmological parameters. Super-sample covariance (SSC) is among the largest of these non-Gaussian contributions, with the
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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  • Lens Mass Estimate in the Galactic Disk Extreme Parallax Microlensing Event Gaia19dke
    We present the results of our analysis of Gaia19dke, an extraordinary microlensing event in the Cygnus constellation that the Gaia satellite discovered. This event featured a strong microlensing parallax effect, resulting in multiple light curve peaks. We conducted extensive photometric, spectroscopic, and high-resolution imaging follow-up
    Maskoliūnas, M. et al.

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  • Seismic differences between solar magnetic cycles 23 and 24 for low-degree modes
    Solar magnetic activity follows regular cycles of about 11 years with an inversion of polarity in the poles every ∼22 years. This changing surface magnetism impacts the properties of the acoustic modes. The acoustic mode frequency shifts are a good proxy of the magnetic cycle. In this Letter we investigate solar magnetic activity cycles 23 and 24
    García, R. A. et al.

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  • Study of the excitation of large-amplitude oscillations in a prominence by nearby flares
    Context. Large-amplitude oscillations are a common occurrence in solar prominences. These oscillations are triggered by energetic phenomena such as jets and flares. On March 14–15, 2015, a filament partially erupted in two stages, leading to oscillations in different parts of it. Aims. In this study, we aim to explore the longitudinal oscillations
    Luna, Manuel et al.

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