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  • Finding the limits of galaxies up to z = 1
    The superb depth of present ultradeep observations and next generation synoptic surveys allow us to reach sudden decrements of the galaxy surface brightness in their outer parts. These truncations are intimately linked with the expected location of the cold gas density threshold for star formation. The unexpected existence of these limits in the
    Buitrago, F. et al.

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  • Fully Adaptive Bayesian Algorithm for Data Analysis. FABADA
    The discovery potential from astronomical and other data is limited by their noise. We introduce a novel non-parametric noise reduction technique based on Bayesian inference, \fabada, that automatically improves the signal-to-noise ratio of one- and two-dimensional data, such as astronomical images and spectra. The algorithm iteratively evaluates
    Sánchez-Alarcón, Pablo M. et al.

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  • GTC data exploitation in the search for the first galaxies
    Detecting the first galaxies of the Universe has always been a goal in extragalactic astronomy because the study of these sources provides important constraints on cosmic reionization. In Cabello et al. 2022, we exploited the capabilities of the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) to carry out the narrow-band (NB) Ly$\alpha$ survey at the highest
    Cabello, C. et al.

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  • Massive stars in Carina from GES, GOSSS & LiLiMaRlin: A new census of OB stars to obtain a reliable distribution of rotational velocities for the O-star population
    The Carina Nebula complex consists of several stellar groups, some bound and some not, immersed in the Car OB1 association, a unique region to study Galactic massive stars. Containing a large number of O-stars, it is the most massive star-forming region within 3 kpc of the Sun. Even though the Carina Nebula harbors hundreds of massive stars, there
    Berlanas, S. R. et al.

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  • Mentoring Program for Female Astronomers of the Spanish Astronomical Society: Walking together Towards the Stars
    Mentoring programs for career and personal development have shown to be incredibly beneficial for mentees, boosting their work and life satisfaction. Mentoring programs are particularly important for women in academia, where they are usually a minority. In 2021, in the context of the commission of Women in Astronomy of the Spanish Society of
    Manjavacas, E. et al.

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  • Mining the unrevealed population of red-nugget relics in disk galaxies
    Do galaxies that quenched at early epochs remain passive since then or do they rejuvenate, experiencing further episodes of star formation? We apply a structure spectro-photometric decomposition method to obtain the spectral energy distributions for bulges and disks in a representative sample of massive galaxies at redshift $0.14 < z \leq 1$. This
    Costantin, L. et al.

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