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  • Identification of Superclusters and their Properties in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    Superclusters are the largest massive structures in the cosmic web on tens to hundreds of megaparsecs (Mpc) scales. They are the largest assembly of galaxy clusters in the Universe. Apart from a few detailed studies of such structures, their evolutionary mechanism is still an open question. In order to address and answer the relevant questions, a
    Sankhyayan, Shishir et al.

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  • RAD@home Citizen Scientists Uncover Emerging Jet-Galaxy Interactions
    The RAD12 object's recent investigation (Hota et al. 2022), via the RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory, has provided a streamlined and focused perspective on the complex subject of jet-galaxy interactions, which has always posed a significant challenge for observational confirmation. This emerging field holds increasing significance, providing a
    Hota, Ananda et al.

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  • Triple-Double Radio Galaxies: Clues for understanding recurrent AGN activity
    Using LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS), we discovered three cycles of episodic jet activity (J1225+4011, Chavan et al. 2023, MNRAS) in a giant radio galaxy, which is an extremely rare class of restarted Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), making it only fourth of its kind. It is also called 'Triple-Double Radio Galaxy' (TDRG). J1225+4011 extends up to
    Chavan, Kshitij et al.

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  • Constraining stellar and orbital co-evolution through ensemble seismology of solar-like oscillators in binary systems
    The evolution of stars and their hosting binary systems is a highly interactive process and cannot be investigated in a segregated manner. Due to the constraints drawn by stellar binarity, oscillating red-giant stars in binary systems represent a unique opportunity to study the details of the structure and evolution of stars in the advanced phases
    Beck, P. G. et al.

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  • Constraining the core-rotation rate along the red-giant evolution
    The evolution of the core rotation rate of red giant stars is a key parameter in understanding the stellar behavior in the late phases of stellar evolution. Thanks to the mixed-dipole modes, we can constrain the core rotation and internal rotational gradient as a star advances through the red-giant phase. This master thesis presents a pipeline
    Muntean, N. et al.

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  • Galaxy archaeology - The quest for ancient mergers
    The hierarchical assembly of galaxies through mergers is a key channel of galaxy evolution in the ΛCDM cosmological model. Quantifying these ancient transformative accretion events from observations of present day galaxies is a crucial goal of extragalactic archeology. Achieving this goal is challenging as the dominant epoch of galaxy assembly lies
    Ackerl, C. et al.

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