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  • GATOS JWST Observations of NGC 5728: Polar Dust
    Recently, mid-infrared (MIR) interferometry and single-dish high angular resolution imaging has revealed the presence of dust in the polar regions of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN), on scales from parsecs to hundreds of parsecs. However, the nature, extent, and connection to the postulated outflows and inflows in the AGN environs is poorly
    Levenson, Nancy et al.

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  • Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and P l a n c k . II. Cross-correlation measurements and cosmological constraints
    Cross-correlations of galaxy positions and galaxy shears with maps of gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are sensitive to the distribution of large-scale structure in the Universe. Such cross-correlations are also expected to be immune to some of the systematic effects that complicate correlation measurements internal to
    Chang, C. et al.

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  • Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck. I. Construction of CMB lensing maps and modeling choices
    Joint analyses of cross-correlations between measurements of galaxy positions, galaxy lensing, and lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) offer powerful constraints on the large-scale structure of the Universe. In a forthcoming analysis, we will present cosmological constraints from the analysis of such cross-correlations measured using
    Omori, Y. et al.

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  • Joint analysis of Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck. III. Combined cosmological constraints
    We present cosmological constraints from the analysis of two-point correlation functions between galaxy positions and galaxy lensing measured in Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 3 data and measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck. When jointly analyzing the DES-only two-point functions
    Abbott, T. M. C. et al.

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  • JWST View of PAH Emission in Seyfert Galaxies
    We present JWST/MIRI MRS spectroscopy of three Seyfert AGN in which we compare their nuclear Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) emission with that of star-forming regions. This study, for the first time, investigates local luminous Seyferts (L bol > 10 44.46 erg/s) over a wide wavelength range (4.9-28.1 μm) using sub-arcsecond angular
    Hicks, Erin et al.

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  • Luminous Merger Between Two Star-forming Galaxies 1.7Gyr After the Big Bang
    The bulk of stellar and black hole mass buildup in galaxies occurs in the high-redshift Universe in short, intense bursts of star formation and black hole accretion. However, the exact role of these two processes in assembling galaxies, as well as how much they affect one another, remains unclear. It is thus important to create case studies of high
    Pitchford, Kate et al.

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