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  • Synthetic Observations of Wave Propagation in a Sunspot Umbra
    Spectropolarimetric temporal series from Fe I λ6301.5 Å and Ca II infrared triplet lines are obtained by applying the Stokes synthesis code NICOLE to a numerical simulation of wave propagation in a sunspot umbra from MANCHA code. The analysis of the phase difference between Doppler velocity and intensity core oscillations of the Fe I λ6301.5 Å line
    Felipe, T. et al.

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  • T-Lyr1-17236: A Long-Period Low-Mass Eclipsing Binary
    We describe the discovery of a 0.68+0.52 Msolar eclipsing binary (EB) with an 8.4 day orbital period, found through a systematic search of 10 fields of the Trans-atlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES). Such long-period low-mass EBs constitute critical test cases for resolving the long-standing discrepancy between the theoretical and observational mass
    Devor, Jonathan et al.

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  • Target Selection for the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2 Survey
    APOGEE-2 is a high-resolution, near-infrared spectroscopic survey observing ∼3 × 105 stars across the entire sky. It is the successor to APOGEE and is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV). APOGEE-2 is expanding on APOGEE’s goals of addressing critical questions of stellar astrophysics, stellar populations, and Galactic chemodynamical
    Zasowski, G. et al.

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  • Tc Trends And Terrestrial Planet Formation: The Case Of Zeta Reticuli
    During the last decade astronomers have been trying to search for chemical signatures of terrestrial planet formation in the atmospheres of the hosting stars. Several studies suggested that the chemical abundance trend with the condensation temperature, Tc, is a signature of rocky planet formation. In particular, it was suggested that the Sun shows
    Vardan, A. et al.

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  • TESS's first planet. A super-Earth transiting the naked-eye star π Mensae
    We report on the confirmation and mass determination of π Men c, the first transiting planet discovered by NASA's TESS space mission. π Men is a naked-eye (V = 5.65 mag), quiet G0 V star that was previously known to host a sub-stellar companion (π Men b) on a longperiod (Porb = 2091 days), eccentric (e = 0.64) orbit. Using TESS time-series
    Gandolfi, D. et al.

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  • Testing Newtonian gravity in the low acceleration regime with globular clusters: the case of ω Centauri revisited
    Context. Stellar kinematics in the external regions of globular clusters can be used to probe the validity of Newton's law in the low acceleration regimes without the complication of non-baryonic dark matter. Indeed, in contrast to the case of galaxies, in globular clusters a systematic deviation of the velocity dispersion profile from the expected
    Scarpa, R. et al.

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