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  • Searching for emission-line galaxies: The UCM survey
    We are carrying out a long-term project with the main purposes of finding and analyzing low metallicity galaxies. A very small number of very low metallicity galaxies is known up to now. However these ojbects are particularly interesting since they are excellent candidates to 'young galaxies' in evolutionary sense as POX186 (Kunth, Maurogordato &
    Gallego, J. et al.

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  • SAO 244567 - A post-AGB star which has turned into a planetary nebula within the last 40 years
    SAO 244567 (Hen 1357 = CPD -59 deg 6926 = IRAS 17119-5926) is an IRAS source with far infrared colors and flux distribution similar to those of planetary nebulae. The IUE ultraviolet spectra obtained in July 1988 and April 1992 show nebular emission lines, and also the changes in the spectra suggest the formation of the planetary nebula and the
    Parthasarathy, M. et al.

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  • Radio-optical Alignments of Brightest Cluster Galaxies
    We report the discovery of a population of dominant galaxies in rich clusters in which the radio axis is aligned along the optical major axis.
    Andernach, H. et al.

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  • Prospects for Asteroseismology with Rapid CCD Photometry - Results on NGC6802
    Not Available
    Vidal, I. et al.

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