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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • On the GJ 436 Planetary System
    The GJ 436 system contains a transiting planet GJ 436 b which is a hot analogue of Neptune on an eccentric orbit. Recently, two additional transiting sub-Earth planets have been postulated in the literature. We observed three transits of GJ 436 b over the course of three years using two-meter class telescopes, each with a photometric precision
    Maciejewski, G. et al.

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  • On the initial cluster mass distribution inferred from synthesis models
    In this contribution we examine the problem of inferring ages and initial cluster masses from synthesis models at the limit of low-mass clusters ( M≤ a few ×104 M⊙). We show that it is not possible to apply directly synthesis models using standard methods to such clusters, since the basic hypothesis implicit in the models (a fixed proportionality
    Cerviño, M. et al.

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  • On the k-mechanism and the multidimensional Eddington approximation
    The suitability of the Eddington approximation as a theoretical framework for the study of the possibility of a k-like overstability mechanism as the driving force of solar modes of oscillation is assessed. A theoretical description of the interaction between the hydrodynamics of the motion and the radiative energy transport is needed. It is found
    Trujillo Bueno, J.

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  • On the Light-Profiles of Spiral Galaxy Bulges and the Hubble Sequence for Spirals
    Recent studies have claimed that the Hubble sequence of late-type spirals, and spirals in general, is scale-free. Within the photometric data used in these works, a trend exists between morphological type and bulge profile shape such that late-type spiral bulges are described by an exponential luminosity profile, where-as the early-type spiral
    Graham, Alister W. et al.

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  • On the massive star-forming capacity of molecular clouds
    Assuming that photoionization is the self-limiting process for continued star formation, we estimate the maximum number of massive (OB) stars that can form within a molecular cloud. The most efficient cloud destruction mechanism in the early stages of H II region evolution is the evaporation of the cloud by stars located near the cloud boundary
    Franco, Jose et al.

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  • On the Molar Extinction Coefficients of the Electronic Absorption Spectra of C60 and C70 Fullerenes Radical Cation
    Fullerene C60 and C70 were discovered in 2010 by means of infrared spectroscopy in a series of astrophysical objects like for example planetary and protoplanetary nebulae and reflection nebulae. These discoveries suggest that C60 and C70 must be widespread in the interstellar medium and may contribute as neutral species or as radical cation (C60+•
    Cataldo, F. et al.

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