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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Strömgren Photometry of Galactic Globular Clusters. II. Metallicity Distribution of Red Giants in ω Centauri
    We present new intermediate-band Strömgren photometry based on more than 300 u, v, b, y images of the Galactic globular cluster ω Cen. Optical data were supplemented with new multiband near-infrared (NIR) photometry (350 J, H, Ks images). The final optical-NIR catalog covers a region of more than 20 × 20 arcmin squared across the cluster center. We
    Calamida, A. et al.

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  • Strong Chromatic Microlensing in HE0047–1756 and SDSS1155+6346
    We use spectra of the double-lensed quasars HE0047–1756 and SDSS1155+6346 to study their unresolved structure through the impact of microlensing. There is no significant evidence of microlensing in the emission line profiles except for the Lyα line of SDSS1155+6346, which shows strong differences in the shapes for images A and B. However, the
    Rojas, K. et al.

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  • Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies in the GOODS Fields
    Non-axisymmetric features (such as bars and spirals) as well as general triaxialities (such as those of the bulge and halo) drive the dynamical and secular evolution of disk galaxies by exerting gravitational torques which redistribute mass and angular momentum. While most (> 70 %) spirals are barred in the local Universe, early studies of the HDF
    Jogee, S. et al.

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  • Study of the orientation of the Bronce age temple of Pella, Jordan.
    We present an analysis of the orientation measurements of the Bronze Age Temple of Pella, took by the authors on the field in winter 2011. The site, famous for its huge ancient Roman ruins, had revealed on its lower acropolis the remains of a large sacred building, constructed in the 19th century BC during the Middle Bronze Age, that was
    Belmonte, J.A. et al.

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  • Study of the polarization produced by the Zeeman effect in the solar Mg I b lines
    The next generation of solar observatories aim to understand the magnetism of the solar chromosphere. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the polarimetric signatures of chromospheric spectral lines. For this purpose, we here examine the suitability of the three Fraunhofer Mg I b1, b2, and b4 lines at 5183.6, 5172.7, and 5167.3 Å, respectively
    Quintero Noda, C. et al.

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  • Sub-arcsec mid-IR observations of NGC 1614: Nuclear star formation or an intrinsically X-ray weak AGN?
    We present new mid-infrared (mid-IR) N-band spectroscopy and Q-band photometry of the local luminous IR galaxy NGC 1614, one of the most extreme nearby starbursts. We analyse the mid-IR properties of the nucleus (central 150 pc) and four regions of the bright circumnuclear (diameter˜600 pc) star-forming (SF) ring of this object. The nucleus differs
    Pereira-Santaella, M. et al.

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