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  • The Near-infrared Coronal Line Spectrum of 54 nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
    The relationship between the emission of coronal lines (CLs) and nuclear activity in 36 Type 1 and 18 Type 2 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is analyzed, for the first time, based on near-infrared (0.8-2.4 μm) spectra. The eight CLs studied, of Si, S, Fe, Al, and Ca elements and corresponding to ionization potentials (IPs) in the range 125-450 eV
    Rodríguez-Ardila, A. et al.

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  • The Near-Infrared S0 Survey: A Study of Bar Strengths in Early-Type Galaxies
    The Near-Infrared S0 Survey (NIRS0S; Laurikainen, Salo, and Buta 2005, MNRAS, 362, 1319) is an attempt to obtain a statistically well-defined database of images of S0s from which the properties of S0 bars may be fairly compared to those of spirals. The main goal of the survey is to provide information on the the distribution of bar strengths in S0
    Buta, R. J. et al.

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  • The NGST Near-Infrared Spectrometer: The Alcatel Consortium Concept
    Alcatel Space together with Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille is leading one of two competing consortia of European industry and scientific institutions tasked by ESA with carrying out detailed assessment and definition studies of the Near-Infrared Spectrometer for NGST. In this paper, we present the current baseline instrument concept that
    Burgarella, D. et al.

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  • The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III) presents the first spectroscopic data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS). This ninth data release (DR9) of the SDSS project includes 535,995 new galaxy spectra (median z ~ 0.52), 102,100 new quasar spectra (median z ~ 2.32), and 90,897 new stellar spectra, along with the data
    Sheldon, Erin et al.

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  • The nuclear and extended mid-infrared emission of Seyfert galaxies
    We present subarcsecond resolution mid-infrared (MIR) images obtained with 8-10 m-class ground-based telescopes of a complete volume-limited (DL 40 Mpc) sample of 24 Seyfert galaxies selected from the Swift/Burst Alert Telescope nine month catalogue. We use those MIR images to study the nuclear and circumnuclear emission of the galaxies. Using
    García-Bernete, I. et al.

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  • The O stars in the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey
    The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) has secured mid-resolution spectra of over 300 O-type stars in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. A homogeneous analysis of such a large sample requires automated techniques, an approach that will also be needed for the upcoming analysis of the Gaia surveys of the Northern and Southern
    de Koter, A. et al.

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