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  • Deep submillimetre and radio observations in the SSA22 field. II. Submillimetre source catalogue and number counts
    We present the deepest 850 $\mu$m map of the SSA22 field to date, utilizing a combination of new and archival observations taken with SCUBA-2, mounted at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The mapped area covers an effective region of approximately 0.34 deg 2, achieving a boundary sensitivity of 2 mJy beam -1, with the deepest central
    Zeng, Xin et al.

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  • Evidence for inflows and outflows in the nearby black hole transient Swift J1727.8−162
    We present 20 epochs of optical spectroscopy obtained with the GTC-10.4m telescope across the bright discovery outburst of the black hole candidate Swift J1727.8−162. The spectra cover the main accretion states and are characterised by the presence of hydrogen and helium emission lines, commonly observed in these objects. They show complex profiles
    Mata Sánchez, D. et al.

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  • Field-level Lyman-α forest modeling in redshift space via augmented nonlocal Fluctuating Gunn-Peterson Approximation
    Context. Devising fast and accurate methods of predicting the Lyman-α forest at the field level, avoiding the computational burden of running large-volume cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, is of fundamental importance to quickly generate the massive set of simulations needed by the state-of-the-art galaxy and Lyα forest spectroscopic surveys
    Sinigaglia, F. et al.

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  • First spectroscopic investigation of anomalous Cepheid variables
    Context. Anomalous Cepheids (ACEPs) are intermediate-mass metal-poor pulsators that are mostly discovered in dwarf galaxies of the Local Group. However, recent Galactic surveys, including the Gaia Data Release 3, found a few hundred ACEPs in the Milky Way. Their origin is only poorly understood. Aims: We aim to investigate the origin and evolution
    Ripepi, V. et al.

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  • On the dust properties of the UV galaxies in the redshift range z 0.6-1.2
    Far-infrared observations from the Herschel Space Observatory are used to estimate the infrared (IR) properties of ultraviolet-selected galaxies. We stack the PACS (100, 160 $\mu$m) and SPIRE (250, 350, and 500 $\mu$m) maps of the Chandra deep field south (CDFS) on a source list of galaxies selected in the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) in a redshift
    Sharma, M. et al.

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  • Pisces VII/Triangulum III - M33's second dwarf satellite galaxy
    Pisces VII/Triangulum III (Pisc VII) was discovered in the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey and was shown to be a Local Group dwarf galaxy with follow-up imaging from the 4-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. However, this imaging was unable to reach the horizontal branch of Pisc VII, preventing a precision distance measurement. The distance bound from the
    Collins, Michelle L. M. et al.

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