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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • A probabilistic deep learning model to distinguish cusps and cores in dwarf galaxies
    Numerical simulations within a cold dark matter (DM) cosmology form haloes whose density profiles have a steep inner slope ('cusp'), yet observations of galaxies often point towards a flat central 'core'. We develop a convolutional mixture density neural network model to derive a probability density function (PDF) of the inner density slopes of DM
    Expósito-Márquez, J. et al.

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  • A rapid optical and X-ray timing study of the neutron star X-ray binary Swift J1858.6-0814
    We present a rapid timing analysis of optical (HiPERCAM and ULTRACAM) and X-ray (NICER) observations of the X-ray transient Swift J1858.6-0814 during 2018 and 2019. The optical light curves show relatively slow, large amplitude (~1 mag in g s) 'blue' flares (i.e. stronger at shorter wavelengths) on time-scales of ~minutes as well as fast, small
    Shahbaz, T. et al.

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  • CHRONOSTAR - II. Kinematic age and substructure of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB2 association
    The nearest region of massive star formation - the Scorpius-Centaurus OB2 association (Sco-Cen) - is a local laboratory ideally suited to the study of a wide range of astrophysical phenomena. Precision astrometry from the Gaia mission has expanded the census of this region by an order of magnitude. However, Sco-Cen's vastness and complex
    Žerjal, Maruša et al.

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  • Colour and infall time distributions of satellite galaxies in simulated Milky-Way analogues
    We use the Auriga simulations to probe different satellite quenching mechanisms operating at different mass scales ($10^5 \, \mathrm{M}_\odot \lesssim M_\star \lesssim 10^{11} \, \mathrm{M}_\odot$) in Milky Way-like hosts. Our goal is to understand the origin of the satellite colour distribution and star-forming properties in both observations and
    Pan, Yue et al.

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  • Core-collapse supernovae in the Dark Energy Survey: luminosity functions and host galaxy demographics
    We present the luminosity functions and host galaxy properties of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) core-collapse supernova (CCSN) sample, consisting of 69 Type II and 50 Type Ibc spectroscopically and photometrically confirmed supernovae over a redshift range 0.045 < z < 0.25. We fit the observed DES griz CCSN light curves and K-correct to produce rest
    Grayling, M. et al.

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  • Deep Herschel observations of the 2 Jy sample: assessing the non-thermal and AGN contributions to the far-IR continuum
    The far-IR/sub-mm wavelength range contains a wealth of diagnostic information that is important for understanding the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxy evolution. Here we present the results of Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations of a complete sample of 46 powerful 2 Jy radio AGN at intermediate redshifts (0.05 < z < 0.7), which
    Dicken, D. et al.

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