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  • Linewidth of low degree acoustic modes of the Sun
    Estimates of the spectral linewidths of low degree (Q=0 and Q=1) 5 min p-modes obtained from Doppler shift observations in 1984, 1986, and 1987 are reported. The observed linewidths increase from 0.5 microHz at 2000 microHz to 3.8 microHz at 4300 microHz for Q = 0. Comparison with other data suggests that for a given frequency the linewidth
    Elsworth, Y. P. et al.

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  • Lithium abundances and metallicities in stars near the main-sequence turnoff and a giant in M67
    The iron abundance of seven stars near the main-sequence (MS) turnoff and a giant in M67 are spectroscopically derived, and the results are discussed. The resulting mean iron abundance of the turnoff stars is (Fe/H) = 0.04 + or - 0.04. Taken together with previous determinations for younger clusters, this shows that there has been relatively little
    Garcia Lopez, R. J. et al.

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  • Lithium Depletion in Solar Type stars: Lithium and Planet Presence
    The lithium (Li) abundance measured in the solar atmosphere is 140 times smaller than expected considering the proto-solar value. Furthermore, measurements of Li abundance made for many stars similar to the Sun reveal a large dispersion. These observations have defied the models of light element depletion for decades. We present a strong evidence
    Sousa, S. G. et al.

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  • Lithium depletion in the brown dwarf binary GJ 569Bab
    GJ 569Bab is the first brown dwarf binary for which the mass of each component has been derived by solving the astrometric and spectroscopic orbit of the pair, i.e., independently of any theoretical assumption. This allows us to test the predictions of the various evolutionary models available in the literature. Particularly interesting are the
    Zapatero Osorio, M. R. et al.

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  • Long Wavelength Array Experiments With The HF Active Auroral Research Program
    We review several experiments in ionospheric modification performed at the HAARP facility. Many of these experiments have been done in bistatic configuration with the WAVES receiver on the NASA/WIND satellite, including study of scintillation-like variations in low frequency propagation through the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. The
    Rodriguez, P. et al.

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  • Long-Slit Kinematic Data for a Sample of Interacting Ellipticals: Searching for `U'
    We have analyzed long-slit spectroscopic data for a sample of tidally disturbed elliptical galaxies. Rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles have been measured at a variety of position angles in these galaxies and have been used to analyze the dynamical response and internal kinematics of stellar systems involved in strong gravitational
    Borne, K. D. et al.

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